This is a follow-up to my article on Imagination. The synopsis of that one is that human behavior is ruled phenomenologically by the Images that rush through our head all day, every day, that we are often hardly even aware of. I wrote about how these Images are formed, how we regulate them (and how they regulate us), how the Rulers of the Age seek to control them, and how we can gain greater control over them ourselves.
You should read that article first if you haven’t already. Not necessary. But anyways.
There’s one particular kind of Image — The Ego — I touched on briefly in that article, and the point of this article is to talk more about that Image.
I’ll give you the definition first. I’ll reiterate it later.
The Ego is the Image in your head of the Image in other peoples heads of you.
I’m going to give this one to you in a stream of consciousness. It won’t be organized neatly. The punch line won’t be obvious. If this post is too long or disorganized for some readers, oh well. Rather this article will be an IV drip of truth into your prefrontal cortex, and if any words light it up brightly enough then your lower brain hopefully latches on and internalizes the knowledge such that it guides you to wisdom… if even one reader is moved a little closer to power from this… then I did my job.
I say “phenomenologically” above and must define it. Chemically, DNA controls our behavior. Biologically, hormones control our behavior. Neurobiologically, the cerebellum controls our behavior. Psychologically, “the subconscious” controls our behavior.
What is “Phenomenology”? The logic / study of consciousness, the structures of Experience within the Mind (not the physical Brain, no, the immaterial Mind).
I’ve written endlessly that Psyche is Greek for Soul, so Psychology is the Study of the Soul, which could also be considered the Mind. Jung writes about the parts of the Psyche: the conscious factor, the subconscious factor, the shadow which is part of the subconscious, the anima and animus which are another part of the subconscious, etc. So if Psychology is study of Mind and its structures, Phenomenology is a sub-study like Neurobiology is a sub-study of Biology.
Why should you care about Phenomenology? Maybe you shouldn’t. If you don’t care about psychology or biology and just want to sun-and-steel max and form your fellowships, and want to leave these studies for the nerds, that’s good. You actually don’t need to hear what I have to say.
Maybe you could benefit though. And some nerds will benefit from this too.
METANOIA. “Change your Mind.”
This was Jesus’s first exhortation in the Gospel of Mark, though it’s translated to English as “REPENT”, which loses something. Repent implies feeling sorry or regretful and perhaps an urge to sacrifice something to make up for past offenses. Paying reparations is a form of material repentance for the sins of our ancestors. That’s not what Metanoia means.
Change the orientation of your mind. See this world through a different lens.
You don’t need to be Christian to understand the importance of this.
If you believe that the expansion, evolution, strengthening, deepening of consciousness is a worthwhile goal to pursue on this earth (and why wouldn’t you?)… if perhaps you believe something along the lines of “The 'Kingdom of Heaven' is a condition of the heart — not something that comes 'upon the earth' or 'after death’,” as Friedrich Nietzsche wrote… if you think that maximizing your capacity to experience strength and joy is the whole point of higher life, or something to this effect…
Then you should be interested in Phenomenology, or at least the practical applications of it.
It’s also important because it’s perhaps the closest thing within our purview of control. If we want to improve our hormones, our cerebellum, our subconscious, don’t we need to start with the Conscious Mind? You make conscious choice to start eating better and walking a mile every day, getting sunlight, everything starts to change.
Change the Mind. The first exhortation.
It would help to understand what this thing is and how it works.
So here we are.
Ego is a loaded word. There’s not one good definition. I’ve given mine, and will give it again. Jung, actually, simply defines it as “the conscious factor” within the Self. So it’s your awareness, to him. It’s the eye that sees.
Others say “he has a big ego.” He thinks highly of himself, he talks a big game, he has a magnetic personality. Vaguely defined, but we get it.
Jung, who I have immense respect for, has a different definition than me. To him, the Ego is the Tip of the Iceberg of Self.
To me, the Ego is the Image in your head of the Image in other peoples heads of you. Instead of being the tip of the iceberg of self, it’s like the biggest tree in the forest of self, a tree which has trunk and branch and flower and fruit above the level of consciousness, but also roots that go deep below the soil into the unconscious.
That is the psychological “thing” I am talking about. That’s how I’m defining it. Disagree? Take it elsewhere.
Exemplii Gratia: you shave and wear cologne and your nicest shoes when you go to the club. You tell your wife to “tell your dad to stop farting in the car but don’t tell him that I said it!” You throw your cans in the trash except when your boss is standing in the cafeteria you go and put it in the recycling because he cares about that ESG shit.
What’s going on here?
You are aware that these other people have (or will have) an Image of you in their heads. You want that Image to be good. You want it to be handsome, funny, magnetic, consistent.
“You’re aware that other people have an Image of you in their heads,” but phenomenologically this awareness is actually an Image, it’s what you see when you glance needfully in the mirror but a daydream takes over; it’s the sum-whole of what you imagine to be those Images in other peoples heads of you. You navigate life carefully to manage this Image that others have, but really the Ego, the Image in your own Mind of all those Images, is the one navigating.
The Ego is a large but fragile tree in the forest of mind, and its roots spread out and intertwine with all others. Fragile, sensitive, fearful, proud… doesn’t sound like a very nice pet to have, does it? Because what happens if the women at the club don’t like the cologne? If your father in law finds out it was YOU who wanted him to change his ways? If the boss comments about how much he hates trucks after you mention you drive an F150? Wouldn’t that all just absolutely wreck your mood, your experience, perhaps even your entire sense of self-worth? The Ego takes up a lot of space inside the skull.
“Oversocialization” as we come to understand it is an affliction where the Ego has taken over too much space in the mental canvas of Images, such that pathological self-harm results:
The fat brown-noser in the office is very careful never to be away from his desk for too long in case boss walks by or phone rings, only gives himself half-hour for lunch. He’s careful to never appear to have idle time. The Chad goes for a half-hour walk around the beautiful pond outside at 10:30 AM because “hey I had some free time and it’s nice outside.” He leaves at 4PM because “I’ve got this thing with my kids and I’m wrapped up for the day.” You see what I mean? You see a healthy ego (Chad Dongivafuk), versus an ego that has grown too large (Scaredy McScaredypants).
You see what is happening? Effeminate man has nightmares about making wake in the water because that means the Images in everyone else’s head of you is someone who isn’t “fitting in” to the “flow”, the social structures as they should be in today’s polite (ie oversocialized) society. Alpha male activity is bad, I’m a team player. You see the Images flashing now, yes?
Women are the worst about this. This is why they’re way more active on social media, especially when it comes to posting selfies, or updates about their tremendous children, or more selfies. It’s an ego amplification machine. The ego rules the woman. The Image of the social self. They themselves are biologically trained to pursue social status, over millennia, so don’t blame them. But it’s getting a little out of control, and resulting in widespread social contagion in young girls; and in the scourge of effeminate, oversocialized men.
It’s all rooted in the Ego.
Of course, those are phenomenological roots. Chemically, men have become fat coomers and their hormones are shit and this triggers other things. Socially, they’ve been conditioned alongside girls in feminine classroom settings their whole lives. What is the cause, and what is the effect, among all these causes?
I don’t know.
But I want to talk about solutions of a certain variety — the phenomenological variety — so it’s first important to understand what’s going on here.
In fact, I think just shining a light on what’s happening is a solution in and of itself. A germ, a plague, will fester and spread until the source is found, but sunlight alone is often more than enough to kill it.
So, do you kill your Ego? If too much Ego is a pathology, maybe we try to shrink it into nothing?
Well, you need an Ego. At your work function someone mentions Ukraine war and instead of showing your power level you know your role and shut your mouth because you have offspring to provide for. Good thing you had your Ego. You need to be aware—i.e. you need to have an Image in your Mind—of the Images that other people have of you.
But you see where your Ego leads you astray (you do see, don’t you?) once you become aware of what it is, how it’s working, why it’s working, the ways it has been conditioned over time, the ways it should actually be working.
You cannot have self-mastery until you gain self-knowledge.
I want to talk about Images more broadly for a bit, not just the Ego. I saw this tweet and laughed. Do you see what’s going on here?
Maybe he’s talking about Pedro Gonzalez not apologizing after those leaks. Maybe he’s talking about some anonymous thought leaders and their “backwards” opinions. Maybe he’s talking about Trump.
But, certainly, he is talking about Images in his head.
An Image formed after he observed a few “on his side” who didn’t act like good little boys. He is a good little boy; yes, he is. He fell in line. He needs to feel good about the fact that he fell in line, and so he’s formed a crystal clear Image there of what a “good conservative” should be. It’s a character flaw of “them” that they won’t fall in line.
One Image is black. The other’s white. Even if they’re very vague (not to mention hallucinations), the contrast is very clear.
By the way, has his employer the New York Times ever apologized for dereliction of duty on the Hunter Biden Laptop story? On Covid lies? On Iraq lies? Of course not. No one apologizes, left or right. But that’s not what David French’s tweet was actually about. It was about David French’s Ego, which is coddled and protected by the New York Times, who provides territory for David French above his old peers (inflating his Ego) — territory which he defends avariciously by sending tweets like this.
He’s obviously just signaling status here, distancing himself from the basket of deplorables on the right because he still needs to ostensibly present himself as a man “of the right” for his audience. But see how he’s doing it; see the Image that forms — intentionally vague and generalizing — of “The New Right”.
This bothers me, because Images matter, and he’s piling nasty paint onto the Image that a sizable portion of those 2.1M viewers have of the New Right, which is the only viable Outer Party that has emerged to challenge the Uniparty since, I don’t know, Nixon (if he even counts)?
Of course this is just one small example, but one of a broader point I’m now coming around to making:
This is the media’s job: Phenomenological Warfare.
Sunday talk show hosts a guest, who goes off script and mentions “The Great Replacement.” George Stephonopoulos shows disdain on his face, cuts to commercial, talks about how ugly and backwards that is, and the Images in the minds of normies across the world are thereby managed, redirected to The Narrative. You can’t expect 90-IQ normies to know any better, either, and that’s why media malpractice is such a heinous crime, and why establishment journalists all deserve perdition. They should know better (they do in fact know better most of the time) but they act anyways in such a way that Minds of millions are managed. John Boomer sees this scene unfold on the screen, and the next time he reads how a migrant has raped another citizen, the Images flash back up.
A comment on Jung. The archetypical Images that swim around in our subconscious are Gods in his view for the level of control they exert over the human microcosm. I think ancients felt this way as well, even if they couldn’t consciously articulate it. A Viking comes through Gaul and sees statues of Roman Gods — Images of an enemy culture — and destroys them. Conquistadors razed Aztec temples and replaced them with Crucifixes. Our Images are better than yours. We will make you accept the Images that dominate our culture. This is the same religious conviction that animates the ‘woke left’: an urge to stamp out all inegalitarian Images from the minds of everyone on earth, forever. This might result in the total and complete destruction of Western Civilization, but, hey, we can’t tolerate racism, can we?
They are creating, developing, strengthening the Images of Egalitarianism, Diversity-as-Strength, Self-Destruction as Nobility. They are feeding these weeds.
Understand the game they play.
This phenomenological war — i.e. the war over The Narrative, a war to control the Images that control the Minds of the Mass Man — is the war we have to win.
Note that my definition of Winning isn’t electoral victory. It’s our tribe forming a strong enough consciousness, robust patronage networks, and unbreakable fellowships, to survive the collapse that is coming at the end of “Progress”, and then to re-emerge as birds of prey who claim territory in a new ecosystem. “Can’t vote our way out.” Amen, brother.
We need group consciousness to get there. We need to instill the right Images in enough peoples’ heads. This isn’t an easy task. There’s real work that needs to be done. It needs to be done carefully. It’s an uphill battle.
But this is the task.
A war for minds.
Control the Images that control minds.
A Liberal is a person who is animated by a social reflex to countersignal outer party chuds.
If Matt Walsh says the sky is blue, you get hit pieces redefining the color blue, showing the green northern lights, praising the environmental protestors who burnt Canada and turned the midwestern sky orange for a week; and you get people who eat it up.
Those types of people
The Ego has been conditioned.
Social Status feels fucking amazing, though, doesn’t it? All the Likes and Retweets. The kind smiles from the directors at work when you volunteer for DEI week. It’s really fun to hate on losers.
And Right Wingers are losers.
We’ve been losing since 1776, our last great hurrah.
(As an aside: The Spirit of Spring explodes into the world and life climbs higher as on an elevator—up, fast. Its fruit grows for a while, but we harvest it, and the Autumn and Winter drag on and on, as an escalator—down, slow. Abominable snowmen get off on laughing at us. But never forget that We Will Win: the ploughmen will return; ours will be the seed of the next Spring; life climbs ever higher, you can’t stop The Will.)
We’re not winning now. The sun is setting. The team of winter and night is winning, and, hey, everyone loves a winner. It’s human nature. The Ego has been conditioned by all the social status you get for joining The Party. Parties are fun, while they last, and this one is still roaring.
In an Age by, of, and for Parasites, it makes some sense to send parasitic signals, maybe partake in a little of the blood-sucking yourself. You want to fit in. You want the Image in other peoples heads to appear favorable, so you go along with the Spirit of the Age. Everyone else is doing it.
I spoke with someone who used to be a friend. We agreed there’s a “Uniparty” with global financial interests that’s raping our country after having functionally usurped our government. “You agree this Uniparty colluded to get Trump out, right?” Yes. “You agree Biden is only in there because he lets them get away with whatever they want, right?” Yes. “You agree this Uniparty is the biggest threat to the people of our country, yes?” Yes. “So would you agree that we should vote for Trump over Biden, since clearly our enemies hate him so much?” No, man, Trump can’t be President again. He’s a terrible person, he tried to overthrow the election, Biden isn’t that bad. We can’t destroy our country, we can fix it after Biden’s out.
A biological urge to countersignal the outer party chuds.
Their oversocialized Ego has taken over control of the Mind.
“What would others think of me?”
Fuck that noise.
Learn how to hear that voice, grab its throat, and give it a rear naked choke-hold until it submits to your Will.
We talk about samizdat. Do you know what this is? This is a grenade thrown into gallery of Images inside the cathedral.
This is our most valuable weapon in the war for minds.
You expose the enemy as the ugly, miserable, lying ghouls they are. You mock them, embarrass them, you point out the absolute absurdities that they force themselves to believe, the shit they force themselves to eat. You make it low-status to support the Uniparty, and in doing so you attack the enemy at its weakness: its dependence upon the Ego of the Mass Man.
This is how you destroy their Images.
If you get angry and attack them, their ego hardens. If you try to logically convince someone they’re wrong, lol. But you mock and laugh at them from a place of abundance and joy, their ego questions everything. You expose the elites for enabling child abuse, covering up child-trafficking, using sex-trafficking to compromise politicians, expose, mock, provoke. You make the Inner Party a lame place to hang out.
You attack the Ego’s weakness.
Remember it is a war for minds, and remember how the Images are working. Attack the cornerstone of their structures. Understand how and why the Ego operates.
Know your enemy.
One lurks inside. Keep an eye on it.
Have you ever read Paul Kingsnorth's writing? I recommend it to you. Almost all is subscriber only, but maybe you can do a free day trial to see this one:
He is writing about the flattening of culture.
I had a conversation with a fellow at work. He said, "see I'm a worrier Andrew. That's what I do. I can't stop myself." I said, if I were a Genie, and could wave a magic wand to take away all your worries, how would you define yourself? "I don't know." I said, that's what you have to figure out. You have to re-define yourself. You need somewhere to go.
I don't know. But I thought it was helpful. It makes me thing of drug addicts, that get born again. They have re-defined themselves.